Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Basics: Part II

So, I showed you all a little bit about my daily life, but I didn't really show you my school or campus. So before I get into the analysis phase of my blog, I will provide some photos and descriptions about my school.

For those of you who may not know, I am attending Rajagiri College of Social Sciences. It is located in Kalamaserry, India which is pretty much a suburb of Kochi. Kochi is a big city, but Kalamaserry is smaller and has more of a local feel to it. The actually college of Social sciences in not very big, maybe 100 students in total. But, it is a BEAUTIFUL campus.

Ok, so anyone jealous yet? They DO have guest houses on campus for about 5 bucks a night...just throwing that out there. Anyway, obviously I love being on campus. The environment is great and all the staff and students are wonderful to us foreigners. Everyone in the school can speak English, but apparently our accents are so heavy sometimes they don't know what we're saying (I always forget that I have an accent to others...weird). The classes are also in English. I will be taking Social Work in the Field of Health and Urban and Rural Community Development. Hopefully, the view out of the classroom window won't distract me too much.....

 I will also be doing an internship here. It will either be at Cultural Academy for Peace-which is a program aimed at gaining women empowerment by providing health and education services to women in need, OR at Rajagiri Outreach Program- which is a program working with migrant workers and HIV/AIDS. I may end up doing a little bit of both (India is flexible that way) but we will be visiting field sites this week and I will have my final placement by the end of this week. 

So, as you all can tell, I'm doing great. I've already learned so much, including a lot of Malayalam, the language they speak in this region of India. I've been compiling a mental list of my favorite things so far and things that I've learned for future blog posts. In the mean time, feel free to post any questions or suggestions. 



  1. The empowering women internship sounds PERFECT for you! Both internship opportunities sound amazing. Can't wait to hear about your trips to the different field experiences. Miss you!

  2. Do the school houses have a Western Toilet and a shower? This pictures are beautiful. I love palm trees and they would be distracting to me out the window. So something that might be interesting (if your fellow students are willing) is for you to write about some of their lives (where they grew up and about their family). Thanks for sharing!
