Why hello there. Welcome to my blog. I'm going to do my best to keep all of you updated on what's going on with my India experience with lots of photos and more importantly, my thoughts. I want this to be an authentic experience for everyone so I'm going to try and be as candid as possible. I apologize in advance if my thoughts aren't quite pc or pg.
So I'm off to India in the wee hours of the mornin' tomorrow. So far, I've been able to keep myself together pretty well while saying all my goodbyes, but I can now tell you that there's nothing like sitting at a Mexican restaurant and starting to cry for no apparent reason. This is, of course, what just happened. I THOUGHT 'I'll be fine, it's just 5 months,' but as it's happening I'm surprised at how much I anticipate missing everyone. Luckily my sister and my mom were there to comfort me. Of course I'm exited for what's to come, but there's a certain surreal feeling that I'm experiencing, different from just moving across the country. I also just realized this is the first time in my life I've spent the night in a hotel alone, which doesn't quite help my nervousness, but I have to admit, makes me feel a bit more 'adult' if you will. So, I'm hoping to get some good sleep tonight and minimize the waterworks. Hoping for smooth sailing ahead! Wish me luck!
Safe travels! You are going to have an AMAZING experience! Can't wait to hear about your experiences through your photos and blog posts. You will be missed greatly in Baltimore!